Why most of the students choose Canada’s environment and education

 Why most of the students choose Canada for study?

The world trusts Canada’s environment and education because of their high quality, which has attracted many students to set foot on the road of studying in Canada. However, many students and parents do not have confidence in learning in Canada for various reasons, so this article should increase confidence for everyone.

Many countries worldwide recognize high-quality education, safe reading and living environment, and diplomas issued. All these advantages make students look forward to studying in Canada.  

 Studying in Canada is one of the earliest programs to enter Pakistan. Over the years, it has become more mature. It has formed five types of study abroad programs: high school, junior college, undergraduate, postgraduate, and qualification certificates for students to choose from. Students who go to Canada are primarily undergraduate and doctoral.

In recent years, the policy of studying abroad in Canada has also been relatively stable. Industry insiders said that although the US study abroad program shines brightly this year, it has not stopped the Canadian study abroad program from continuing its advantages. There are still some students who want to study in Canada. However, in the face of the requirement that applicants provide a deposit with an 18-month deposit history, they feel that their conditions are not enough, so they are discouraged from studying in Canada.

The threshold of margin history is not difficult to cross

Generally speaking, to apply for high school courses in Canada, you need to provide a deposit of about 800,000 yuan; to apply for a community college qualification certificate or college course, you need to give a deposit of about 300,000 yuan; to apply for an undergraduate course, you need to provide a deposit of about 600,000 yuan. Security deposit: To apply for a graduate program, a security deposit of about 300,000 yuan is required. According to the particular circumstances of some students, the amount of the security deposit can also be adjusted downward. As long as the family has sufficient income, the threshold of Canadian bond history is not difficult to cross.

Some parents who think they cannot meet the guarantee requirements for studying in Canada, as long as the family has a particular economic strength, can make the guarantee in advance through the guidance of a professional study abroad agency one year before preparing to study in Canada. Preparations and rationally sort out the history of funds to meet the embassy’s requirements.

Some parents of students are in business, and the annual income is generally placed in the company’s account to expand production or invest. Hence, the personal account only has current accounts and no long-term fixed deposits. In response to such cases, the professional study abroad intermediary agency, after understanding its financial situation, gave a detailed list of auxiliary materials to explain why the money was not deposited in the bank so that the embassy believed that the parents had the strength to support their children to study in Canada. If the explanation is clear and reasonable, the visa can be obtained.

Pakistani economic strength has increased, and the visa officer of the Canadian embassy in Pakistan also understands Pakistani national conditions. Therefore, bank deposits can be used as security deposits. Still, funds, bonds, stocks, and insurance can be used as part of the security deposits. Still, they must be able to explain valuable sources. Therefore, when applying to study in Canada, you can also ask relatives who have the financial strength and live in the country or abroad to provide guarantees.

The interest list is auxiliary proof of the deposit history. When applying to study abroad at the Canadian embassy, ​​the original deposit certificate and deposit certificate are also required. Therefore, parents should pay attention to keeping the original deposit certificate. When applying to study in Canada, do not make any fraudulent applications. Once fraudulent behavior is found, you will not be allowed to use it again within two years.

The Canadian visa review pays more attention to the logic of the application materials. It attaches great importance to the applicant’s real reason for going to Canada to study and the work plan after graduation. Family background also has a more significant impact than before. The stable employment of the parents helps to obtain the visa.

To study in Canada, choose the one that suits you

The main semesters of Canadian universities are January and September, and May is the short semester. Suppose you apply for direct undergraduate or graduate programs, and you also want to apply for scholarships. In that case, you need to use them one year in advance. Suppose you apply for a dual-enrollment program of language plus major or a separate language program. In that case, the application time is relatively flexible. Now is the prime time to apply for direct entry to university courses next September. If you want to apply for the dual-enrollment course for language plus majors in January next year, you need to use it as soon as possible. Industry insiders remind students who plan to study in Canada to go to a professional study abroad institution one year in advance to consult about how to prepare a deposit.

For students with low academic qualifications and low-income family conditions, who do not need language scores, they can apply for a one-year language course in Canada, followed by one-year qualification certificate courses, such as fitter, welder, electrician, auto repair, and other qualification certificate courses, This kind of skill course will help students have more chances to find a job after graduation; or they can apply to go to a community college in Canada to study a college course, and then transfer to a university to check an undergraduate course after graduation.

TOEFL and IELTS Scores

Students with TOEFL and IELTS scores can directly apply for undergraduate or postgraduate studies scholarships. Students who do not have language scores can still participate. First, apply for language and majors dual admission. Then, after reading the language, they can obtain a higher language score and apply for scholarships. Scholarships equivalent to 80% of tuition fees are available for undergraduate study. In addition, some prestigious schools value the scores of Chinese students in the college entrance examination and require more than one grade.

Canada’s part-time work policy is more favorable to international students. International students can work on-campus during language courses, and they are allowed to work off-campus after language courses. In addition, they can work part-time for 20 hours a week and work full-time during winter and summer vacations.

At present, dozens of universities in Canada offer dual-enrollment courses in language and majors for Chinese students. Most master’s programs in prestigious schools require applicants to provide a certain IELTS or TOEFL score. Some famous schools also offer dual-enrollment courses for individual majors.

To study in Canada, students choose majors in finance, accounting, trade, management, actuarial, hotel management, mass media, electronics, electrical, communication, biology, engineering, computer, machinery, etc. If you study a graduate program in business, you need GMAT scores, and if you study engineering, you need GRE scores. Most of the students go to Canada to take these two tests.