Improve your chances of being accepted for studying in the UK

Quite a lot of students are not in a hurry when choosing a major and a school. However, from the reality of the application for studying in the UK, it is necessary to prepare in advance. Here are four ways to improve your chances of being accepted for studying in the UK.

Quite a lot of students are not in a hurry when choosing a major and a school. They always feel that there is still more than a year before graduation and studying abroad, so they are not in a hurry. However, from the reality of the application for studying in the UK, it is necessary to prepare in advance. Here are four ways to improve your chances of being accepted for studying in the UK.

1. Apply in advance, first come first served

The UK’s master’s program officially starts around the end of September each year, and applications are generally accepted one year in advance. Universities open applications for next year’s graduate students in September-October. Don’t think that you will wait until after your junior year to apply!

Most courses in the UK do not need to take the GRE test and do not need to submit IELTS scores when applying. There are exceptions to BUT, so you must prepare in advance to see the school’s requirements. Do not find that the materials are incomplete after submitting. The submitted materials are not up to standard and will be rejected directly.

The speed of the school’s acceptance of applications is 4-8 weeks. If you can apply in the first round, you should not wait until the second round, because if there are too many applications, the waiting time maybe 12 weeks or even longer. So don’t miss the application for language classes because of this.

2. Obtain qualified professional grades and language grades

Applicants should understand the English language requirements of the major they are applying for. Generally speaking, the entry requirements for business, sociology, literature, and history majors are IELTS 6.0-7.0, and the entry requirements for science and engineering majors are 6.0-6.5.

If the student already has an IELTS score at the time of application, it needs to be provided along with it. If you do not take the test, it is best to indicate when the test will be taken on the application materials, and send it to the university immediately after receiving the IELTS score report.

If conditions permit, students can go to the UK to study English language courses offered by the university for some time in advance, to improve their English ability to meet the admission requirements and understand the teacher’s lectures. You can also come early to get acquainted with the British environment and make friends with classmates.

3. Apply for your major and university

Most students want to continue their studies in this major. It is recommended that you refer to the professional rankings of The Times and the QS World University Rankings.

Generally speaking, the top 300 universities in the QS World University and the top 50 universities in the UK are good. According to Li Sichen Study Abroad 360, each university has its strong majors, and the major names and course arrangements are not the same. Applicants still have to carefully consider which major they like and suit themselves, and they can’t just look at the rankings.

4. Prepare perfectly unique application materials

College admissions place great value on the applicant’s self-reports, letters of recommendation, resume, transcripts, and other materials. They want to see well-prepared application materials submitted by applicants.

If most of the application materials are identical and boring, it will be difficult to reflect the characteristics of the applicant, and even more difficult to see what unique qualities the applicant possesses. Especially self-statements, like a self-portrait of yours, can’t make a good impression on others if it’s perfunctory. The application form is also a document that must be filled out carefully. This is the first document that applicants see, and the content should be accurate.